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DIANE DUANE - A Wizard Alone - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор DIANE DUANE

 Maybe it s because I usually feed him in the mornings,  Kit s mama said.  I m used to hearing him complain that he s not getting enough.  She made a kind ofrrrgh noise that went up into a whine at the end, a fair imitation ofPonch s reaction to an empty dish when there was someone around who could give him the rest of the can of dog food.

Ponch seyes moved at that, a sideways glance.Her accent s not bad. I could teach herCyene .

 Let s not deal with this right now,  Kit said. He could just see his mom going down the street to try to talk sense toTinkerbell .

One more!Ponch said.

 One,  Kit said. He gavePonch the last dog biscuit in the box, put the book aside, and got up to throw the box away.

 The onions done yet   his mama said.

 Nearly,  said Kit s pop, as Kit stomped the box flat to make it go in the trash can. Behind Kit, the emphatic crunching noises by the sofa came to an end, andPonch ran into the kitchen.Out 

 Sure,  Kit said, opening the door. A fierce cold wind came in asPonch shot out.

 Shut that, sweetie. It s freezing!  Kit s mama said.

 Gonnasnow tonight, they said on the TV,  said Kit s pop, picking up the frying pan in which the onions had been sizzling, and scraping them out into the soup as Kit shut the door.

 A lot  Kit said.

 Six to eight inches.

Kit sighed. It wouldn t be anything like enough to make them keep school closed on Monday. That would take at least a few feet. Not for the first time he wished that it wasn t unethical to talk a snowstorm into dumping three feet of snow onto his immediate neighborhood. It was fun to think about, but the trouble he would have gotten into with Tom and Carl, not to mention the Powers That Be, would have made the pleasure short-lived.

Still, if I told the snowstorm to dump, say, twelve feet of snow just on the school, and then only enough everywhere else so that everybody could have fun for a day; say six inches or so

Kit sighed again. Though such a course of action would be less trouble to the snowplow crews, the emergency services, and everybody else who wanted to go on about their lives, something like that would cause a whole lot of talk, and still get him in trouble. But the image of his school completely buried under a giant snowdrift made him smile.  By the way, Pop,  Kit said,  is the TV still okay 

 Seems fine,  his pop said.  Every now and then the thing insists on showing me a news program from some other planet, but   He shrugged.  As long as nothing happens to interfere with the basketball games over the weekend, I don t mind seeing who s grown a new head or whatever.Darlin  , you know what I need 

 Less time on the couch watching basketball  Kit s mama suggested.

 Dream on.Celery seed.

 We re out of it.

 You re just saying that because you hate celery.

 Iknow celery seed is different from celery, or celery salt. But we re still out of it. Look for yourself.

Kit s pop went to the cupboard to look. Kit, looking at his mama, thought that her expression was far too innocent. She caught him looking at her, and said,  Isn tPonch a long time out, Kit  He hates being out this long when it s cold. But he hasn t scratched.

She had a point there, though Kit thought she was more intent on him not saying anything incriminating about celery seed. Kit grinned.  I ll go see what he s doing,  he said, and got his winter jacket off the hook.

He went out, shutting the door hurriedly behind him, and looked up and down the driveway forPonch . To his surprise,Ponch was sitting at the street end of the driveway, looking up at the sky.

Kit walked down to him, looking up, too. The clouds were, indeed, coming in low and fast from the south on that wind. Past and above the houses across the street, only a few streaks and scraps of the low sunset remained in the west, a bleak, bleached peach color against the encroaching stripes of dark gray. Westward, the reddish spark of Mars could just be seen through the filmy front edges of one of the incoming banks of cloud.

Ponchlooked over his shoulder at Kit as Kit came to stand next to him.  You okay   Kit said to him in the Speech.

Pretty much.

Kit wondered about that.  I mean, about what happened the other day.  He reached down to scratch the dog s head.

I think so.

The clouds drew together in the west, blanking Mars out, slowly shutting down the last embers of the sunset.  Whatdid happen 

Isaw something .

 Yeah What was it 

Not that way,Ponch said. Imean, I noticed something. I never really noticed it before .

Kit waited.

You get hurt sometimes,Ponch said.That makes me sad .

 Yeah, well, I get sad when you re hurt, too.

That s right. And your dam and your sire and your littermates, they hurt sometimes, too. So does Nita. I noticed that. But it didn t seem to matter as much asyouhurting .

Ponchpaused for a long time.But then I saw him: Darryl. And what That One was doing to him, and how it hurt him. And he didn t do anything to deserve that. It was awful,the way he was hurting. And that started to hurt me. And then I thought,Why doesn t the others  hurt make me feel like this  And then I felt bad about myself .

Kit hardly knew what to say. It wasn t that it was a bad thing for his dog to learn about compassion, but that the lesson would come all at once, like this, came as a surprise.

And the others didn t deserve to be hurt, either,Ponch said, looking up at Kit.Nita didn t do anything bad, for her mother to die. Why should she be hurt like that  Why shouldDairine   Or your sire or dam 

They re good. Why do they have to suffer when they haven t been bad  It s not fair!

Kit bowed his head. This line of reasoning all too closely reflected some of his own late-night thoughts over the past couple of months. And all the easy answers about the Powers That Be and the Lone Power, and all the other additional theories or answers that might be suggested by either religion or science  suddenly sounded hollow and pathetic.

 I don t know,  Kit said.  I really don t know.

Ifelt sad for them all ,Ponch said.Sad for everything, because it shouldn t have to be that way.All of a sudden I had to howl, that s all . He looked embarrassed.

Kit couldn t think of anything to do but get down on one knee and hugPonch , and ruffle his fur. After a momentPonch said,I m not going to howl now. It s all right .

 I know,  Kit said. But he wasn t sure that it was  all right.

Ponchlooked at him again. 5bwhat do we do  he said.To make it right

That answer, at least, Kit was sure of.  Just get on with work,  he said.  That s what wizards do.

And their dogs.

 And their dogs,  Kit said. After dinner tonight, huh  We ll go looking for Darryl again. We ll see if we can t get a word with him  find out what s going on. Then he can get himself out of there, and we can get back to doing what we usually do.


They walked back up the driveway together, and Kit letPonch into the house, hurriedly shutting the door. The wind outside was beginning to rise. He ditched his coat in a hurry, because his pop had already carried the soup pot to the table, setting it on a trivet, and his mama was putting out bowls and spoons.  NoCarmela tonight   Kit said, because there were only three bowls.

 No, she s over at Miguel s with some of the other kids.A homework thing.  His mama sat down, took her spoon, and tasted the soup as Kit s pop sat down.

 Oh, honey, that s so good!  his mama said. Even without the celery seed. Who d believe most of it came out of a can  What else did you put in there 

 Genius,  Kit s father said, and grinned.

Kit was inclined to agree. He finished his first bowl in record time, and reached for the ladle to serve himself some more.

 Another satisfied customer,  his pop said.

Kit nodded, already working on the second bowl.

 You ve got that fueling-up look,  his pop said, as he chased the last few spoonfuls of soup around his own bowl. You going out on business tonight, son 


 How long 

 Not late,  Kit said.  I don t think, anyway.Back by bedtime.

 Yours,or mine 

 Mine, Pop.

 Good,  his dad said.  What you re doing is important  and so is getting your rest.  His father gave himwhat Kit usually thought of as  the eye,  a faintly warning look.  You re looking a little pooped, this past day or so. Try to relax a little over the weekend, okay 

 If I can,  Kit said.

His pop looked like he was going to say something, then changed his mind, and reached for the ladle himself.  Hey, who took all the beans 

 That would be me,  Kit s mama said.

 Now I m going to have to make another pot of this!

 How terrible for us all,  she said.

Kit finished his own bowlful and, smiling, got up and put his bowl in the sink. Then he went to get his parka andPonch s  leash.

They stood out in the backyard a little while later, in the near darkness, and Kit looked down atPonch .  Ready   he said.

All ready.

 You ve got Darryl s scent 

It s faint,Ponch said.We re going to have to walk for a while .

Kit checked the force-field spell, which he had integrated into the leash-wizardry, and saw that it was charged, up and running; it would keep hostile environments out for a good while, and protect the two of them from deadly force for at least long enough to come up with a better, more focused defense.  Okay. Let s go.

Ponchpulled the bright leash of wizardry taut, stepped forward, and vanished intoa darkness deeper than anything in Kit s backyard. Kit stepped after him; the blackness folded in all around.

They did, indeed, have to walk for some time. Kit kept a careful eye on the line of wizardry stretching between him andPonch , watching to make sure that it was drawing power correctly, and that the faint  diagnostic  glow of light running up and down it was doing so regularly. Beyond that, there wasn t much for Kit to do for a long while except keep walking through the dark, watching the ever-so-faintly illuminated shape of his dog asPonch led the way.

A whispering sound very faint, seemingly very far away was the first thing that Kit started to notice as differing from the darkness and silence surrounding them. It was incessant, a soft white-noise hiss at a high frequency, but every now and then Kit thought he heard words in it.Am I just imagining that  he thought as the hiss got louder around them.  You hear that   he said toPonch .

The wind Ponchsaid.Yes. It s up ahead, where Darryl is. We ll be there soon .

 I mean, do you hear something besides the wind The voices 

Ponchpaused a moment, cocked his head to one side.No , he said.Not right now, anyway. Let s get there and see if I hear it then .

They started walking again. Quite suddenly, as if they d walked through a curtain, Kit andPonch were surrounded by blue-white light. Kit stopped, looking around him, blinking. After the darkness, this brilliance was dazzling.

At least there was gravity, though it felt lighter than Earth s; and he knew there was an atmosphere, because Kit could hear sound from outside his force field: the hiss of the wind. But he wasn t convinced that the atmosphere was breathable, especially because he could feel the cold outside, even through the force field. The air on the far side of the force field was full of blue-white smoke, or fog, moving fast, blown by the wind, and there was more blue-white stuff underfoot.  It s like being inside alightbulb ,  Kit said.

If it is, then I ll avoid it in the future,Ponch said, looking around him with distaste.It smells bad here .

The wind dropped off briefly, and Kit was able to look out of thelightbulb and see that the two of them had stepped into a snowfield.Except that snow isn t blue , Kit thought.Ponch, though insulated from the cold around them by the force field, nonetheless shifted uncertainly from foot to foot in the robin s-egg blue stuff. Kit felt the odd soft squeak of it under his sneakers, and understoodPonch s confusion.It feels more like talcum powder than snow. Or, no, more like cornstarch  for that strange squeaky sensation persisted no matter how the stuff packed under Kit s feet.

The wind rose again, reducing the visibility to nothing as it picked the snow up and started blowing it around in the air. The snow was as fine as powder on the wind, finer than any powdery snow that Kit had ever seen, even in blizzard conditions. The stuff piled and drifted in spherical sections around Kit s force field, gathering like swirls of smoke, abruptly dissipating again like smoke blown away. Suddenly Kit realized what he was seeing, and realized, too, why the snow s texture was so strange.This isn t water snow. It s too cold here for that. This is methane 

The wind howling around them gusted for a few breaths more, blowing the blinding snow shrieking past Kit andPonch , and then dropped off once more, just briefly giving Kit the wider view again as the snow drifted back out of the air to the ground.We might as well call it air , Kit thought, though he knew that if he tried to breathe it at this temperature, it would freeze his lungs to solid blocks of blood and water ice. He popped his manual open to apremarked page for reading environmental conditions and let it take a moment to do its sensing while he turned in a circle, looking at the landscape.

There wasn t much of it. Nearby, black crags of stone stood up here and there, shining with blue ice that seemed almost to glow on its own in this fiercesourceless light. Kit glanced up at the sky, wondering whether there was a star up there somewhere, on the far side of what might be a  greenhouse  layer like Venus s upper atmosphere. But there was always the possibility that this wasn t a planet at all just some kind of Euclidean space, another dimension that just went on eternally in all directions.Whichever it is , he thought,it has weather, and the weather s bad. Even Titan s weather is better than this .

Kit glanced at the manual page again, read the words in the Speech that began to spell themselves out there.

Nitrogen atmosphere.No oxygen. Methane and some other hydrocarbons frozen out to make the snow  Kit shivered despite the force field: The temperature outside was about two hundred degrees below zero centigrade.

 I m glad I brought a coat,  he said softly.

Iwish I could grow mine thicker ,Ponch said, looking around him with distaste. Ididn t like that other place, the hot one, but it was better than this.

 Believe me, we won t stay long,  Kit said.  Just long enough to talk to Darryl.  The contrast between the room-temperature range that the two of them needed to function and the temperature of the space around them was as extreme as the difference between room temperature and a blowtorch  and this meant that keeping his own environment andPonch s tolerable would require Kit to spend a lot of energy in a hurry. He was going to have to keep a close eye on the energy levels of the force field; this was no kind of place to have it fail suddenly. Whether they were genuinely in some other universe or just inside Darryl s mind, the cold would kill them both in seconds if their protection failed.  Let s get going. Where in all thisis he   Kit said toPonch .

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