Юрий Низовцев - The person as the hologram Страница 2
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- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Иностранные языки
- Автор: Юрий Низовцев
- Год выпуска: неизвестен
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- Страниц: 7
- Добавлено: 2019-07-01 19:37:40
Юрий Низовцев - The person as the hologram краткое содержание
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The theory of the holographic Universe can be only by any approximation to truth, but it, nevertheless, visually illustrates our idea that, being divided into diverse particles, consciousness at the same time remains united. However the opinion Bohm about illusiveness of the Universe is exaggerated because the holographic image of object is impossible without the material carrier. In this case (earth holography) as the material carrier is the laser radiation.
In return the holographic model also shows that consciousness is not brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
If the hypothesis about the holographic qualities of the Universe, i.e. about a wave basis of the Universe is close to truth, it will be the additional confirmation of use of this reality, owing to its characteristics, as the adequate tool for work, more precisely, for development of particles of consciousness through the living in bеingness.
It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
The fact that the person is the finite – is also unconditional, but any finite is expression of the infinite in it. And if a lifeless stone reflects the infinity of the eternal, but indifferent to all the passive, then such live, self-active, understanding itself in opposition to the rest of the world, not indifferent being as a person should reflect not only a passive molecular component of his body, but also – something else that makes it alive and conscious of itself.
It must be assumed that this something can be only active, and, perhaps, we never learn its true form, but manifestation of which we feel every moment.
If to assume that the person in the basis is the hologram of the frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and would "be found" in nothingness, but not in the being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surrounding.
The person, unlike a cobble-stone which only is destroyed, can grow and develop, i.e. in the process he can look for the new, the best and more suitable for him as it seems to him, and to do it quite purposefully, making mistakes, receding, but often and achieving his objectives.
On this way in collisions with things and with similar the person more and more comprehends his environment and himself, without finding, however, full satisfaction in anything and in anybody.
At the same time, each person, as we know, combines two polar properties: he has identity inherent only to him and at the same time he isn't capable to exist without similar. In other words, the person is separate and he also is whole, much like and all other people. Like the ant, which has lost the ant hill, the person perishes if he remains out of contact with people.
This fact allows assuming, that the basis of the person is a hologram which in any own part is whole, and vice versa.
This property of separation and at the same time unity allows each person to be separate, self-active, unique and at the same time – not capable to realize itself and own existence without communication. Similar acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in community means for each person in fight and tests purposefully to do what he is still capable of, seeking to reconcile in this process own egoism (reflection of the peculiarity) with sympathy to people surrounding him which actually is he as whole.
Chapter 2
Why to Creation not to do without the person (the living beings)?
2.1. Role of the active in the form of the living beings and role of the passive in the form of things in beingness.
According to the concept offered by us, the active, manifesting through live matter in the form of consciousness, is the leading echelon of Creation, forming beingness from the passive, manifested in it the form of lifeless matter, or things [3, chapter 1.2].
Creation is qualified by modern science as the material Universe (an uncountable number of the Universes) in which there are conditions for formation of living beings from organic matter, and further – of reasonable beings.
However answer to questions: what is basis of Creation; is eternal it or not; how living beings have appeared, i.e. beings with a genome, and also – how the person was formed of unreasonable creatures, science still did not gave, whereas the model presented by us, allows to make it, judging by an opportunity to explain a number of the phenomena which were earlier not giving in to an explanation and along with that did not fall under the scope of the known regularities [4, chapters 5, 7, 8, 9].
We believe that Creation is not unicity, as well as we consider that Creation can't be presented only in the form of a number of similar Universes. Creation are manifestation of a certain deep reality – Uniform.
Along with that Uniform has a projection in the form of discretely updated frequency wavelike structure – the hologram, the main content of which is the active (consciousness) that is a copy of the active from Uniform.
Discrete updating of a projection by the active (precisely because it is the active) means emergence of "gaps" in infinity and emergence of durations that can be qualified as the prototype of time.
Thus, Creation is not unary, but dual system.
The basis of the dual system is" timeless, infinite Uniform, in which the active and the passive merged into inseparable whole. Uniform "gets out" in time by means of own projection in the form of frequency wavelike structure – the hologram.
Beginningless and infinite process of updating of a projection includes information component: the active from a projection by means of information influence, which it as reasonable, possesses concerning Uniform, inasmuch it is in it in the original together with the passive, has an opportunity to copy fragments of the passive from Uniform according to form-building abilities of particles-copies of the active as the separate, presented in beingness in the form living beings, so also a whole presented by all set of living beings, i.e., forming own time of each own particle and along with that – the general time of all structure (beingness) thanks to its holographic essence (whole and part coincide).
Particles of the active in a holographic projection of Uniform, thus, copying fragments of the passive from Uniform, unite with them individually and as a whole, and through themselves form the current time, space and things in motion.
Hereby the union of the active with the passive within formed (derivative of a projection of Uniform) a continuum-beingness is manifested in the forms of alive, which is as people and all other living beings in measurement known to us. All of they are located in beingness, formed by single active (single consciousness).
This beingness is manifested in the form of star systems with planets, part of which at a certain stage of development is suitable for existence and development of living beings of the most different type according to the program which is available for them, coded in a genome, allowing to copy itself by reproduction of this or that type. These organisms have the sense organs, information processing centers, they possess ability to reproduction, metabolism, and they don't exist outside communities.
At this each living being according to available at it sense organs and information processing centers forms own time, and all their set, making a whole in a holographic projection, forms the general (external) time [4, chaper 6].
The similar dual system allows to Uniform to appear in existence, and to the active (consciousness) – to live and develop in the finite, temporary, in other words – to develop discretely, but infinitely.
It is clear from this preamble that living beings give in themselves the finite life to consciousness, a break in which (death) means only updating of each individual consciousness.
Along with that living beings are the basis of all beingness without which it isn't capable to exist inasmuch only through them fragments of the passive from Uniform are converted into things, i.e. into material beingness known to us.
Thus, there is no need to guess by what wonderful way was formed the genome without which the living being is impossible and which could self-assembled approximately with the same probability what aircraft carrier with all planes onboard.
Life is a basis of Creation which without it doesn't exist.
Therefore the statement about a life origin from lifeless matter is senseless. Life and things are incapable to exist in beingness independently inasmuch beingness is based on their interaction, being continuous manifestation of the passive from Uniform through the active of a holographic projection of Uniform.
Aggregation of the active and the passive in beingness, i.e. in time, actually, constitutes the infinite, but discrete process of development and expression of the active (consciousness) in the environment from the resisting things (the passive) at the competition of representatives of consciousness in this environment.
The holographic essence of a projection of Uniform is reflected in beingness not only on coincidence of each particle of beingness with the whole – by all hologram, but also externally expressed in similarity of the simplest structures of beingness and in fractality of its more difficult structures.
Fractality is characterized by complicated similarity of the some kind, more precisely, – by self-similarity of part and whole too: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with the part or parts (has the same form) with dimension, bigger dimension of topological spaces.
Crones of trees, blood system of animals, clouds, snowflakes and many other objects are fractal.
Therefore for bigger clarity in understanding of this or that process or some difficult structure it makes sense to address to analogies on the basis of this similarity.
In this case the state of the living being in Creation can be compared to work of a television receiver in a network (the computer on Internet).
Let us choose for convenience of comparison a living being having the vision.
This being in relation to the visual perception of the environment reminds the television receiver combined with a television camera which (eyes) catches the pulse signals going further to the processing centers (the relevant departments of a brain), converting these signals-packets of information into the moving image.
Eyes like a television camera catch signals in certain range of frequencies (light). Eyes of the person, for example, don't fix light in the infrared range.
Thus, the person through eyes can obtain only information, predetermined by opportunities of own eyes and no more. Thereby he isn't capable to see the radiations in another range of frequencies and to see the objects reflecting these radiations or radiating them. In this regard, the world (environment) for him is narrowed by opportunities of his sense organs.
People believe, to all appearances, that these signals go from objects, outsiders and independent of them, in the form of light reflected from objects, in particular, and therefore that all people see seemingly same objects before themselves, and they before them do not disappear.
Indeed, exactly thus the world is manifested for us, but it would be desirable to learn that is behind this.
The science, alas, has stopped on the fact of this phenomenon and hasn't gone further, motivating such approach by lack of a possibility of experimental check of what stands behind the manifesting.
Kant called this – the inaccessible for sensations of the person – "thing in itself" (transcendental object).
As for the objects surrounding us, independent existence of objects of strictly certain forms, by which they appear to us, is very doubtful concerning other living beings.
The matter is that beings of different types in own way perceive the same subject within its kind – and concerning its sizes, color, smell, form, permeability and – even in relation to its existence, that is determined by opportunities of a concrete being to convert the arriving signals into the data which is understandable to it from a position of usefulness for his life-activity, i.e. into information. This process of obtaining and converting the information into own surroundings are based on the action of the sense organs and the information processing centers of the organism.
If we return to the comparison of a living being with a TV set equipped with a TV camera (the computer with a camcorder), then, unlike it, for example, the person has no separate external screen monitor on which he could watch both environmental, and himself from outside. Therefore in case of open eyes in front of him has a partial view of the surroundings and own body.
It means that, unlike the screen of the TV, the person shows to himself of himself as if from self in action in own "now".
In other words, the person (any living being) thanks to the sense organs and processing centers forms internally the own surroundings.
At all not eyes create the picture seen by the person – only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears then – by combining the pulse signals at their processing in the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside – like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
Thus, on the screen of the cinema hall the image moves thanks to relocation of a tape in a projector with a certain speed, and on the TV set screen the image moves owing to combining and conversion of radio signals from the ether by appropriate programs.
And this materialization of separate frames or separate packets of information is carried out for the person-viewer virtually – in the form of images.
Unlike the similar procedure, converting of wave matter (information packets) from a holographic projection of Uniform in any living being including in the person, into his surroundings, is produced by it not in the form of images any more, but in the form of the material objects of different "density" and various forms using the corresponding matrixes (form-building abilities), creating both the living being, and its surroundings in the framework total time which is a consequence of action of single consciousness in the comprehensive set of the living beings.
Formation of objects of various forms according to the form-building abilities (matrixes), which are available for the living being, apparently, is carried out by the type of operation of 3D-printer known to us.
As a result, around the person (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment.
As you can see, both in a television receiver, and in the living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.
Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, and own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being – in yourself.
However all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
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