Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов Страница 9
![Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов](/no-image-wbooks.jpg)
- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Иностранные языки
- Автор: Светлана Дмитриева
- Год выпуска: неизвестен
- ISBN: нет данных
- Издательство: -
- Страниц: 10
- Добавлено: 2019-07-01 19:31:46
Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов краткое содержание
Прочтите описание перед тем, как прочитать онлайн книгу «Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов» бесплатно полную версию:В структуру пособия входят четыре цикла, каждый из которых делится на три темы. Тематика охватывает традиционные темы социально-бытового общения (семья, дом, город, рабочий день, учёба, погода и т.д.), а также страноведческие темы и темы, связанные с будущей профессией. С/х лексика вводится поэтапно. Основной объём терминов по сельскому хозяйству даётся в темах: «Моя страна», «Современное сельское хозяйство». Задания ориентируют студентов на дальнейшую работу с текстами по специальности и их анализ. Работа с диаграммами и схемами, а также написание аннотаций к текстам предполагает использование данные заранее ключевые фразы.
Светлана Дмитриева - Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов читать онлайн бесплатно
Exercise 1. Use: is, are.
1) There … many students in the library now.
2) There … a pencil in my bag.
3) There … different farm machines on the farm.
4) There … a table and a sofa in my room. 5) There … a new computer in the office.
Exercise 2. Use to have (got), to be, there is/are for translation.
1) У него сегодня три урока.
2) В парке есть тихие безлюдные места.
3) Мы на занятии.
4) У нас мало времени.
5) В лаборатории много химикатов.
6) Существует много видов пластика.
7) В холодильнике мало молока.
8) В нашем хозяйстве много новых пород КРС.
9) В твоей работе много ошибок.
10) У меня много ошибок в сочинении.
11) В читальном зале только один студент.
Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
Model: There is a clock on the wall.
There is no clock on the wall.
Is there a clock on the wall? – Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t.
1) There is a table in front of the window.
2) There are two cats in his house.
3) There are many wheat varieties on this farm.
4) There is a serious problem in our situation.
5) There are many interesting places in London.
6) There are six girls in our group.
7) There is a letter for you.
Exercise 4. Change the sentences after the model.
Model: I’ve got a newspaper in my bag. – There is a newspaper in my bag.
1) We’ve got much free time during the holidays.
2) They’ve got many potted flowers in their sitting-room.
3) She’s got a tape-recorder on her desk.
4) We’ve got many questions about the problem.
SOME, ANY, NO и их производные
В утвердительных предложениях any означает “ любой ”; anything – “ что-угодно”, anybody – “ кто-угодно ”, anywhere – “ где-угодно”,“ кудаугодно ”, anyhow – “ во всяком случае ”, anyway – “ всё равно ”.
Exercise 5. Translate the sentences.
1) There are two windows on the right and a door on the left.
2) There is a bookcase in the corner of the room.
3) Are there any questions?
4) There is no dictionary in my bag.
5) There are over thirty students at the lecture.
6) I would like to work there.
7) Many years ago there lived a famous painter.
8) There is no place like home.
9) She told us something interesting.
10) Is anybody at home?
11) The college is in London.
12) There is some bread and milk.
13) There comes the time when molecules break down.
14) There are many types of electric motors.
15) His relatives live somewhere in Australia.
16) There is nothing to say.
17) You will have to tell the truth, anyway.
18) Ask somebody to help you.
19) There are three main questions in economic theory.
20) Between two double-periods there is a 15 minutes break.
21) There is no doubt about it.
22) Any Englishman knows this story.
23) There isn’t any ink in the pen.
24) Nothing will change my opinion.
25) Do you see him anywhere?
Exercise 6. Translate into English.
1) Мне нравятся некоторые английские писатели. 2) В лаборатории кто-то есть. 3) Здесь делать нечего 4) В расписании есть какие-нибудь лекции? 5) В вазе несколько цветов. 6) В работе нет никаких ошибок. 7) На столе писем нет. 8) Спроси у кого-нибудь, как проехать (пройти) к вокзалу.
Task 1. Answer the questions.
1) What is your home town?
2) Where is it situated?
3) When was it founded?
4) What street do you live in?
5) Do you live downtown or in the suburbs?
6) What places of interest are there in your town?
7) What is your favourite place in your town? Why?
8) What industries are developed in the town?
10) How many institutes are there in your town? What are they?
Task 2. Memorize the following words and phrases.
1. Excuse [iks΄kju:z] me, please. – Извините, пожалуйста.
2. Excuse my disturbing [dis΄tə:biŋ] you. – Извините за беспокойство.
3. Yes, what is it? – Да, в чём дело?
4. What can I do for you? – Чем могу помочь?
5. Just a minute, please!/Wait a minute, please! – Одну минутку!
6. Where is …? – Где находится …?
7. Am I right for? – Я правильно иду …?
8. Could you tell me the way to …? – Вы не могли бы подсказать дорогу …
9. It is just round [raund] the corner [΄ko: nə]. – Это как раз за углом.
10. It will take you to … – Он довезёт Вас до …
11. Go straight [streit]. – Идите прямо.
12. It will take you 15 minutes to go there. – Вы дойдете туда за 15 мин.
13. Go along [ə΄loŋ] … – Идите вдоль …
14. railway [΄reilwei] station [΄stei∫ən] – ж/д станция
15. to go by … – доехать на …
16. heavy [΄hevi] traffic [΄træfik] – сильное движение транспорта
17. traffic lights [laits] – светофор
18. to cross [kros] – перейти (улицу, дорогу)
19. to take a bus ( trolleybus) number … – сесть на автобус ( троллейбус ) …
20. to change [tʃeinʤ] for … – пересесть на …
21. in the opposite [΄opəzit] direction [di΄rek∫ən] – в противоположном направлении
22. stranger [΄streinʤə] – приезжий ( не местный житель )
23. to be lost – заблудиться
24. to arrive at smb.’s destination – добраться до места назначения
25. to show smb. round the city – показать кому-либо город
26. to turn [tə:n] left ( right ) – повернуть налево ( направо )
27. sign [sain] – сигнал, знак, вывеска
28. rush [r٨∫] hour [΄auə] – час пик
29. to run out of petrol – нет бензина
30. traffic jams – дорожные «пробки»
31. filling-station (petrol station BE) – автозаправочная станция
32. to be connected [kə΄nektid] with … – быть связанным с …
33. century [΄sentʃəri] – век, столетие
34. machine-building [mə΄∫i:n΄bildiŋ] – машиностроение
35. chemical [΄kemikəl] – engineering [enʤi΄niəriŋ] – химическое машиностроение
36. civil [΄sivil] -engineering – гражданское строительство
37. to produce [prə΄dju:s] – производить
38. railway [΄reilwei] junction [΄ʤ٨ŋk∫ən] – ж/д узел
39. fountain [΄fauntin] – фонтан
40. circus [΄sə:kəs] – цирк
Names of the MonthsJanuary [΄ʤænjuəri], February [΄februəri], March [ma:tʃ], April [΄eiprəl], May [mei], June [ʤu:n], July [ʤu΄lai], August [΄o:gəst], September [səp΄tembə], October [ɒk΄təubə], November [nəu΄vembə], December [di΄sembə].
Word-buildingTask 1. a) Complete the following with the correct suffix to make adjectives. Use: – al; – ic (-tific).
History – historical – historic
Culture – cultural
Science, education, industry, monument, agriculture, profession.
Task 2. Make up sentences about your town using the adj. (Task 1).
Task 3. In groups, discuss the questions:
What is …
1) … the most beautiful place in your town?
2) … the longest street?
3) … the largest building?
4) … the most popular place for young people?
5) … the most interesting museum?
Use the phrases:
– I think … – Я думаю …
– To my mind … – По-моему …
– Nothing of the kind. – Ничего подобного!
– Why do you think so? – Почему Вы так думаете?
– I am of the same ( another) opinion. – Я того же ( другого) мнения.
– Maybe. – Возможно. ( Может быть ).
Task 4. Translate the sentences.
1) My brother showed me round Moscow. 2) The railway station is not far from here. 3) In the centre of Penza she changes for trolleybus number 7. 4) The traffic is heavy during rush hours. 5) We were lost in Samara. 6) Young people like to walk along Fountain square. 7) This city was founded by Catherine II. 8) If you go straight along two blocks up to the traffic lights you will see the building of the Drama Theatre on your left. 9) Where is the bus stop? 10) Am I right for the post-office? 11) Excuse me, please, where is the nearest bank? 12) I asked the taxi driver to hurry because I was late for an appointment.
Task 5. In pairs, act out and translate the dialogues.
a) – Excuse me, please.
– Yes, what can I do for you?
– Could you tell me the way to the agricultural academy?
– Certainly. It’s easy. Take a bus № 9 or a taxi-bus number 9 or 93. It will take you right to the academy.
– How long will it take me to get there?
– Let me see … Maybe half an hour or so, if the traffic is not heavy.
– Thank you very much.
– You’re welcome.
b) – Excuse me.
– Yes? What’s the matter?
– Am I right for the Central Park?
– No, it is in the opposite direction.
– Thanks a lot.
c) – Does this bus go downtown?
– No, it doesn’t. You have to change for number 13. It’ll take you right to the centre.
– Where is the bus stop?
– It is in front of you, across the street.
– I see, thank you.
Task 6. a) In pairs, act out a conversation.
Student A: Ask the way to a certain place in your town.
Student B: Be ready to give directions.
b) Act out a conversation. You want a taxi to take you to different places. Include different forms of polite requests in your conversation:
Text 1 My Home TownI was born in Penza. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful Russian towns. It was founded in 1663 as a fort on the south-eastern border of the state. The place was well-chosen from the strategic point of view: from the north it was reliably defended by Cherkassky fort, in the south there were plenty of saucer-like lakes (now it is called Yuzhnaya Polyana), from the west it was defended by dense forests.
Penza is situated on the Sura river. The word “sur” means “ finger”. Long ago before it became a castle-town this “finger” showed the ancient people a place to settle down.
Penza has a rich history. It is connected with the life and activity of quite a number famous people: M. Lermontov, A. Kuprin, N. Burdenko, V. Belinsky, P. Yablochkov, S. Razin, Y. Pugachov and others. M. Lermontov… His grandmother’s country estate, nowadays, is the state museum Tarkhany, one of the greatest memorial parks in our country, a peculiar cultural corner, which links the previous centuries with the present day.
Now Penza is a big cultural and industrial centre. Its population is over 600 000 people. There are several big plants which produce chemical equipment, electronic equipment, diesel engines, compressors, bicycles, clocks and watches, paper, medicines and other necessary things.
Agriculture in Penza region is on the upsurge now. Our farmers introduce new techniques and machinery, develop high-yielding and disease-resisting varieties, breed highly-productive breeds of farm animals in order to make our farming as profitable as possible.
In Penza there are many educational establishments. The most important institutions of higher education are: Penza Technical University, Penza State Pedagogical University, Penza State Civil Engineering University and Penza State Agricultural Academy.
Whatever the season, Penza is always beautiful. Large squares, green streets, beautiful parks, Fountain square, a spacious zoo – everything attracts visitors’ attention. You can see a great variety of picturesque houses – from old-fashioned buildings of the 19th century to modern constructions of original architecture.
Visitors often go to the circus, to the Drama Theatre, to museums. People are proud of their city and try to make it cleaner and healthier.
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 2. Answer the questions:
Напишите нам, и мы в срочном порядке примем меры.