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Карен Армстронг - Дао религии: Как лучшие духовные принципы работают на ваше счастье читать онлайн бесплатно

Карен Армстронг - Дао религии: Как лучшие духовные принципы работают на ваше счастье - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Карен Армстронг

Davidson, Richard J. & Anne Harrington, eds., Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature (Oxford, 2002).

Gilbert, Paul, The Compassionate Mind (London, 2009).

Hefner, Philip, The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture and Religion (Minneapolis, 1993).

Molino, Anthony, ed., The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism (London, 1998).

Pope, Stephen, The Evolution of Altruism and the Ordering of Love (Washington, DC, 1994).

Post, Stephen G., Unlimited Love: Altruism, Compassion and Service (Radnor, PA, 2003).

Post, Stephen G., Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey S. Schloss & William B. Hurlbut, eds., Altruism and Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue (Oxford, 2002).

Rolston, Holmes, Genes, Genesis and God (Cambridge, UK, 1999).

Vaillant, George E., MD, Spiritual Evolution: A Scientific Defense of Faith (New York, 2008).

Walsh, Anthony, The Science of Love: Understanding Love and Its Effects on Mind and Body (Buffalo, 1991).

Zornberg, Avivah Gottlieb, The Murmuring Deep: Reflections on the Biblical Unconscious (New York, 2009).

(4) Эти книги посвящены теме Священных Писаний и их интерпретации.

Akenson, Donald Harman, Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds (New York, San Diego & London, 1998).

Alter, Robert & Frank Kermode, eds., A Literary Guide to the Bible (London, 1987). Особенно рекомендуется статья Gerald L. Bruns, “Midrash and Allegory: The Beginnings of Scriptural Interpretation.”

Armstrong, Karen, The Bible: The Biography (London & New York, 2007).

Cragg, Kenneth, The Event of the Qur’an (Oxford, 1971). Замечательная книга.

Cragg, Kenneth, Readings in the Qur’an (London, 1988).

Fishbane, Michael, The Garments of Torah: Essays in Biblical Hermeneutics (Bloomington & Indianapolis, 1989).

Fishbane, Michael, The Exegetical Imagination: On Jewish Thought and Theology (Cambridge, MA, 1998). Очень рекомендую обе книги Фишбейна.

Gatje, Helmut, The Qur’an and Its Exegesis (Berkeley, 1976).

Holcomb, Justin S., ed., Christian Theologies of Scripture: A Comparative Introduction (New York & London, 2006).

Kraemer, David, The Mind of the Talmud: An Intellectual History of the Bavli (New York & Oxford, 1990).

Schniedewind, William M., How the Bible Became a Book (Cambridge, 2004).

Sells, Michael, introduced & trans., Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Revelations (Ashland, OR, 1999). Превосходное введение в Коран, хорошо рассказывающее о его поэтике. Распространятся вместе с CD, на котором записано чтение Корана.

Smalley, Beryl, The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1941).

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, What Is Scripture? A Comparative Approach (London, 1993).

Tabataba’i, Muhammad, Qur’an in Islam (London, 1988).

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Abou El Fadl, with Tariq Ali, Milton Viorst, John Esposito etc., The Place of Tolerance in Islam (Boston, 2002).

Abu-Nimer, Mohammed, Nonviolence and Peace Building in Islam: Theory and Practice (Gainsville, FL, 2003).

Al-Ali, Naji, A Child in Palestine: The Cartoons of Naji al-Ali (London & New York, 2009).

*Ahmed, Leila, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven & London, 1992).

*Ahmed, Leila, A Border Passage: From Cairo to America: Woman’s Journey (New York, 1999).

*Ahmed, Salman, with Robert Schroeder, Rock & Roll Jihad: A Muslim Rock Star’s Revolution (New York, 2010). С введением Мелиссы Этридж.

Al-Azmeh, Aziz, Islam and Modernities , 3rd ed. (London & Brooklyn, 2005).

Ansari, Zafar Ishaq & John Esposito, eds., Muslims and the West: Encounter and Dialogue (Islamabad & Washington, DC, 2001).

Appleby, R.Scott, ed., Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East (Chicago & London, 1997).

Appleby, R.Scott, The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence and Reconciliation (Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO, New York & Oxford, 2000).

Armstrong, Karen, Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths (London & New York, 1996).

*Armstrong, Karen, Islam: A Short History (London & New York, 2000).

Armstrong, Karen, The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (London & New York, 2000).

*Aslan, Reza, No God But God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam (London & New York, 2005).

Aslan, Reza, How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the End of the War on Terror (New York, 2009).

Avineri, Schlomo, The Making of Modern Zionism: The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State (London, 1981).

Avishai, Bernard, The Tragedy of Zionism: Revolution and Democracy in the Land of Israel (New York, 1985).

*Bauman, Zygmunt, Modernity and the Holocaust (Ithaca, NY, 1989). Boone, Kathleen C., The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism (London, 1990).

Choueiri, Youssef M., Islamic Fundamentalism (London, 1990).

Delong-Bas, Natana J., Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad (Oxford, 2004).

Djait, Hichem, Europe and Islam: Cultures and Modernity (Berkeley, 1985).

*Elon, Amos, The Israelis: Fathers and Sons , rev. ed. (London, 1984).

Esposito, John, ed., Voices of Resurgent Islam (New York & Oxford, 1983).

Esposito, John, Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam (New York & Oxford, 2002).

*Esposito, John with Danglia Mogahed, Who Speaks for Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think, Based on the World’s Gallup Poll (New York, 2007).

Esposito, John, The Future of Islam (New York & Oxford, 2010).

Fischer, Michael J., Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution (Cambridge, MA & London, 1980).

Fisk, Robert, Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War (London, 1990).

Friedman, Robert J., Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel’s West Bank Settlement Movement (New York, 1992).

Gole, Nilufa, The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling (Ann Arbour, MI, 1996).

Gopin, Marc, Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence and Peacemaking (Oxford & New York, 2000).

*Gopin, Marc, Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East (New York & Oxford, 2002).

Gorenberg, Gershom, The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967–1977 (New York, 2006).

Heikal, Mohamed, Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat (London, 1984).

Hertzberg, Arthur, The Zionist Idea (New York, 1969).

Hilterman, Joost R., A Poisonous Affair: America, Iraq, and the Gassing of Halabja (Cambridge, UK, 2007).

*Holmes, Jonathan, Fallujah: Eyewitness Testimony from Iraq’s Besieged City (London, 2007).

Hourani, Albert, Islam in European Thought (Cambridge, UK, 1991).

Hroub, Khaled, Hamas: Political Thought and Practice (Washington, DC, 2000).

*Karmi, Ghada, In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story (London & New York, 2002).

Karmi, Ghada, Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine (London & Ann Arbor, 2007).

Keddie, Nikki R., Roots of Revolution: An Interpretative History of Modern Iran (New Haven & London, 1981).

Keddie, Nikki R., Scholars, Saints and Sufis: Muslim Religious Institutions in the Middle East since 1500 (Berkeley, Los Angeles & London, 1972).

Keddie, Nikki R., ed., Religion and Politics and Iran: Schism from Quietism to Revolution (New Haven & London, 1983).

Kepel, Gilles, The Prophet and Pharaoh: Muslim Extremism in Egypt , trans. Jon Rothschild (London, 1985).

*Keshavartz, Fatemeh, Jasmine and Stars: Reading More than Lolita in Tehran (Chapel Hill, 2007).

*Klausen, Jytte, The Cartoon that Shook the World (New Haven & London, 2009). Один из лучших анализов датского кризиса с карикатурами.

Klein, Menachem, Jerusalem, the Contested City (London, 1988).

Kurzman, Charles, ed., Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook (New York & Oxford, 1998).

Lawrence, Bruce B., Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt against the Modern Age (London & New York, 1990).

Lincoln, Bruce, Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 11 , 2nd ed. (Chicago & London, 2003).

Lumbard, Joseph E. B., ed., Islam, Fundamentalism, and the Betrayal of Tradition: Essays by Western Muslim Scholars , with a foreword Seyyed Hoseein Nasr (Bloomington, IN, 2004).

Lustick, Ian S ., For the Land and the Lord: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (New York, 1988).

Malik, Kenan, From Fatwa to Jihad: the Rushdie Affair and Its Legacy (London, 2009).

Mastnak, Tomaz, Crusading Peace: Christendom, the Muslim World, and Western Political Order (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 2002).

*Mernissi, Fatima, Women in Islam: An Historical and Theological Inquiry, trans. Mary Jo Lakeland (Oxford, 1991).

Milton-Edwards, Beverley, Islamic Politics in Palestine (London & New York, 1996).

*Mohsin, Hamid, The Reluctant Fundamentalist (London, 2007). Замечательно написанный роман и международный бестселлер. Мир глазами пакистанца.

Momen, Moojan, An Introduction to Shii Islam (New Haven & London, 1985).

**Mottahedeh, Roy, The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran (London, 1985). Эту книгу я пометила сразу двумя звездочками, поскольку это замечательное введение в духовность, историю и культуру Ирана, которое следует жизненной истории молодого аятоллы и его друзей в десятилетия, предшествующие исламской революции.

Muzaffar, Chandra, Muslims, Dialogue, Terror (Selangore, Malaysia, 2003).

Muzaffar, Chandra, Global Ethic or Global Hegemony? Reflections on Religion, Human Dignity and Civilizational Interaction (London, 2005).

*Nasr, Vali, The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future (New York, 2005).

Nasr, Vali, Islamic Leviathan, Islam and the Making of State Power (Oxford & New York, 2001).

Nasr, Vali, The Vanguard of the Islamic Revolution: The Jama’at of Pakistan (London & New York, 1994).

Noll, Mark A., ed., Religion and American Politics: From the Colonial Period to the 1980s (Oxford & New York, 1990).

Oz, Amos, My Michael , trans. Nicholas de Lange (London, 1972).

*Oz, Amos, In the Land of Israel , trans. Maurice Goldberg-Bartura (London, 1983).

Ramadan, Tariq, Western Muslims and the Future of Islam (Oxford, 2004).

Ramadan, Tariq, Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation (Oxford, 2009).

*Ramadan, Tariq, What I Believe (Oxford & New York, 2010).

Ravitsky, Aviezer, Messianism, Zionism and Jewish Religious Radicalism , trans. Michael Swirsky & Jonathan Chipman (Chicago & London, 1993).

Rodinson, Maxime, Europe and the Mystique of Islam , trans. Roger Veinus (London, 1988).

*Rogan, Eugene, The Arabs: A History (London, 2009).

Roy Olivier, Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah (New York, 2004).

Sachedina, Abdulaziz, The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism (New York & Oxford, 2001).

Said, Edward, Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient (New York, 1978).

Sajoo, Amyn B., Civil Society in the Muslim World: Contemporary Perspectives (London &New York, 2002).

*Schechter, Jack, The Land of Israel: Its Theological Dimensions. A Study of a Promise and of a Land’s Holiness (Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto & Plymouth, UK, 2010).

*Schweid, Eliezer, The Land of Israel: National Home or Land of Destiny, trans., Deborah Greniman (London & Toronto, 1985).

Sick. Gary, All Fall Down: America’s Fateful Encounter with Iran (London, 1985).

Silberstein, Lawrence, Jewish Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective: Religion, Ideology and the Crisis of Modernity (New York & London, 1993).

Soroush, Abdolkarim, Reason, Freedom, and Democracy in Islam: Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush , trans. & ed. Mahmoud Sadri & Ahmed Sadri (New York & Oxford, 2000).

Sprinzak, Ehud, The Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right (Oxford & New York, 1991).

*Takeh, Ray , Guardian of the Revolution: Iran and the World in the Age of the Ayatollahs (New York & New York, 2009).

*Tarnas, Richard, The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (New York & London, 1991).

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