Нина Пусенкова - Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач Страница 2
- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Языкознание
- Автор: Нина Пусенкова
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- Страниц: 95
- Добавлено: 2019-02-04 12:20:54
Нина Пусенкова - Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач краткое содержание
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Нина Пусенкова - Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач читать онлайн бесплатно
perform v – действовать, выполнять, достигать
2. driver n – зд. движущая сила, двигатель
drive v – двигать
3. job n – работа, дело, труд, задание, рабочее место
4. opportunity n – возможность
5. downsizing n – уменьшение в размерах (повышение эффективности компании за счет уменьшения числа сотрудников и продажи непрофильных предприятий)
6. employee n – сотрудник, занятый
employer n – работодатель
employment n – занятость
unemployment n – безработица
unemployed n – безработный
employ v – нанимать
7. workforce n – рабочая сила
8. command-and-controlmethods – командно-административные методы
9. environment n – окружающая среда (природная или деловая), обстановка
10. empowerment n – наделение полномочиями, властью
11. team n – команда
12. reward n – награда
reward v – награждать
13. diversity n – разнообразие (зд. рабочей силы)
diverse a – разнообразный
14. comprehensive a – всеобъемлющий, всесторонний, совокупный (в бухучете)
15. development n – развитие, разработка, совершенствование; проявка
develop v – развивать, разрабатывать, совершенствовать, проявлять
16. remuneration n – вознаграждение, оплата труда, зарплата
remunerate v – вознаграждать, оплачивать труд
17. bonus n – бонус, премия
18. medicalinsurance – медицинское страхование
19. sickleave – бюллетень
20. adherence (to) n – приверженность, соблюдение
adhere (to) v – придерживаться, соблюдать
21. occupationalsafety– производственная безопасность
22. jobsecurity – надежная занятость
23. stockpurchaseplans – поощрительные планы покупки акций компании ее сотрудниками по льготной цене
24. savingsplans – планы сбережений
25. profit-sharingprograms – программы участия в прибылях
26. outplacementservices – услуги по трудоустройству (помощь только что покинувшему компанию сотруднику в поиске новой работы)
27. redundancy n – увольнение работника в связи с сокращением рабочих мест
redundant a – уволенный работник
28. layoff n – увольнение сотрудников в связи с сокращением производства и спроса на продукцию
layoff v – увольнять сотрудников
29. affiliation n – членство, принадлежность
30. community n – община, сообщество
31. skill n – навык
skilled a – квалифицированный (рабочий)
32. assumption n – предположение; предпосылка; принятие ответственности
assume v – предполагать; создавать предпосылку; принимать ответственность
33. challenge n – вызов
challenge v – бросать вызов
challenging a – сложный, интересный
34. decision-makingprocess – процесс принятия решений
35. proactive a – предвосхищающий события
proactively adv – предвосхищая события
36. feedback n – обратная связь
37. mentor n – ментор, наставник
38.equity n – собственный капитал; обыкновенные акции; справедливость
39. input n – потребляемые ингредиенты; вход, ввод, вклад
40. output n – выпуск продукции; продукция, отдача, выход
41. benchmark n – база, ориентир, стандарт, эталон
42.benefit n – право, привилегия, льгота, польза, преимущество
beneficiary n – бенефициар
benefit v – получать привилегию, пользу, льготу, преимущество; выигрывать
beneficial a – полезный, льготный
fringebenefits – дополнительные льготы
43. absenteeism n – абсентеизм, прогул
absentee n – отсутствующий (на работе), прогульщик
44. expectancy n – ожидание, вероятность
expectation n – ожидание
expect v – ожидать
45.promotion n – продвижение (по службе или товара)
promote v – продвигать
46.credibility n – кредит доверия
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. What is motivation? 2. Do command-and-control methods of motivation work today? 3. What motivation theory captures all the complexity of motivation? 4. How does Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory explain what drives human behavior? 5. How did Maslow prioritize human needs? 6. What do companies do to meet the physiological needs of their employees? 7. How can safety needs be fulfilled? 8. What are social needs? 9. How can esteem needs be met? 10. Is it possible to satiate the need for self-actualization? 11. What are the key assumptions of Douglas McGregor’s theory? 12. What type of managers – X or Y – is more effective nowadays? 13. What is the essence of the Learned Needs Theory? 14. What is the best possible job for people with the dominant need for achievement, power and affiliation, respectively? 15. What is the premise of the Equity Theory? 16. How can people correct inequities? 17. What equation forms the basis of the Expectancy Theory? 18. What rewards should you offer to your employees within the framework of the Expectancy Theory? 19. What motivation theories can be effective in contemporary Russia?
Exercise 2. Describe how companies take care of their employees. Use the following terms.
medical insurance
life insurance
paid holidays
sick leaves
retirement programs (pension plans)
training and development programs
child care
recreational activities
transportation allowance
maternity/paternity leaves
credit union facilities
ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plans)
profit sharing
relocation expenses
fringe benefits
wages and salaries
stock options
induction process
job security
grievance committee
outplacement services
severance pay
employment contract
cafeteria plans[1]
Exercise 3. You are a journalist working for Business Week and you are to interview Frederick Herzberg who developed the Two-Factor Theory. Invent a dialogue between these two individuals using the following briefing materials.
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Frederick Herzberg’ s theory is known as the motivator-hygiene theory. His basic premise is that dissatisfaction and satisfaction are not opposite ends of a single continuum. Rather, the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction, and the opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction.
The way to move an individual from dissatisfaction to no dissatisfaction is by utilizing hygienes. These are factors that are extrinsic to the work itself. Hygienes are factors concerning the environment within which the work is performed like the color of the walls, the temperature of the room, or the paving in the company parking lot.
Unfortunately, hygienes are not the factors that can move your employees toward satisfaction. These factors simply placate employees, but do nothing to truly motivate them. Before the real motivation can be addressed, employees must have sufficient hygienes so as not to be dissatisfied.
To move employees from no satisfaction to satisfaction, motivators must be used. These are the factors that are intrinsic to the work itself. Examples of motivators include more autonomy, opportunities for promotion, and delegation of responsibility.
Exercise 4. Discuss the following 10 commandments of motivation through human relations and create 10 commandments of your own.
1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
2. Smile to people. It takes seventy-two muscles to frown, only fourteen to smile.
3. Call people by name . The sweetest music to anyone’s ear is the sound of his or her own name.
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you want to have friends, be a friend.
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure.
6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can like almost everybody if you try.
7. Be generous with praise and cautious with criticism.
8. Be considerate of the feelings of others. There are usually three sides to a controversy: your side, the other fellow’s side, and the right side.
9. Be alert to giving service. What counts most in life is what we do for others.
10. Add to this a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience, and a dash of humility, and you will be rewarded many times.
Exercise 5*[2]. Fill in the blanks using terms given below.
Determining the Role of Money in Motivation
Motivation theories can provide you with the motivational…….. to pull in order to increase the motivation of your………….
People are more inclined to deliver………. that is minimally acceptable. Some even wonder today if Americans are still in search of excellence, or they are in search of mediocrity instead. In the past, the motivation technique was a scare tactic. «Do it or else…» was the refrain of the…………. manager. It no longer……… the desired results today, in the…….. of employee’s involvement in………. and………..
Motivation is a complex issue requiring an understanding of individuals. It is no longer answered with just money. In the past, a manager might have been able to raise employee’s……. and provide some………. to improve motivation. Simple material……. does not get the same mileage in today’s workplace.
In fact, money is not the prime motivation…….. any longer. Adam Smith suggested in 1776 that self-interest for monetary……. is the primary motivator of people. While some still…….. to this………, most researchers agree that……………. has become more important today.
Herzberg suggested that money is a…….. That is, money is……… to the work itself and does not really move people toward satisfaction. Instead, people are said to desire autonomy……… work, and more creative……..
The……… of money as a motivator is generally in what it can buy. Once basic… have been met, more money is not necessarily a primary motivator for people. There is also a symbolic meaning of money that can be the actual motivator rather than the money itself.
rewards, salary, driver, value, adhere, job satisfaction, assumption, extrinsic, needs workforce, environment, command-and-control, delivers, decision-making, fringe benefits, remuneration, gain, hygiene, challenging, levers, performance, delegation of authority
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