Элла Маркина - Business English. Workbook № 1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах Страница 4
- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Языкознание
- Автор: Элла Маркина
- Год выпуска: неизвестен
- ISBN: нет данных
- Издательство: -
- Страниц: 8
- Добавлено: 2019-02-04 12:41:42
Элла Маркина - Business English. Workbook № 1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах краткое содержание
Прочтите описание перед тем, как прочитать онлайн книгу «Элла Маркина - Business English. Workbook № 1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах» бесплатно полную версию:«Business English» Workbook №1 – это одна из пяти книг. Она предназначена для тех, кто уже изучал грамматику ранее и имеет как минимум уровень «Elementary». Это сборник упражнений на закрепление уже пройденного материала. В основном это диалоги с использованием большого количества готовых речевых образцов, которые могут пригодиться вам в вашей работе, так как в основном диалоги связаны с работой в офисе и на производстве (строительство и нефтегазовая сфера).
Элла Маркина - Business English. Workbook № 1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах читать онлайн бесплатно
– I really don’t know. I remember some documents (to be)
in that red folder. Mike brought them and put them in.
Exercise №3.2
– You (to be) right! It (to be) a waste of time.
– From the other side, you (to be) right too, because you
(not to be) sure in result but now you know for sure.
– Yes, the pump (to be) really out of order.
– Anyway, It (to be) necessary to check it again.
I think we need extra hands. There (to be) something wrong
with a forklift.
– There (to be) any urgent work there?
– Yes. The warehouse number 3 had to be cleaned
out as soon as possible.
Exercise №3.3
– I saw Nelly, She (to be) so tired that couldn’t move.
It (to be)
a very hard day. There (to be) a lot of work at the office
yesterday. We (not to be) ready for the talks with the
Customer. Necessary documents (not to be) prepared.
– You (to be) nervous?
– No, I (to be) angry! My assistant (to be) out. I was
said that she (to be) ill, that‘s why she (to be) absent.
– I am sorry! It (to be) really hard day yesterday.
Exercise №3.4
– What’s the problem? I was said that some of
workers had no gas sensor devices. As I know there
(to be) a number of similar sensors at the warehouse.
– In fact, we ordered only definite quantity of the devices.
Probably Safety Engineer (to be) right and there (to be) no
sensors any more.
– Why you didn’t think of it before?
– We didn’t expect that we would have to attract so many
workforces for the Shutdown.
Спряжение глагола to be в будущем времени. (я буду, он будет…)
(+) I’ll be / We’ll be/ He’ll be / She’ll be / It’ll be / They’ll be
You’ll be
(-) I shan’t be / We shan’t be / He won’t be / She won’t be /
It won’t be
They won’t be / You won’t be
(?) Shall I be? / Shall we be? / Will he be? / Will she be? /
Will it be?
Will they be? / Will you be?
В современном английском will используется со всеми лицами, так что можете, смело сказать – I will be happy!
Exercise №4
– I hope, I (to be) on holiday next month. I (to be)
in the country. It (to be) country-holiday…..
– Oh, there (to be) a lot of interesting for you I think.
As I understand it (to be) your first trip to the country.
– I am sure it (not to be) boring there. And where
you (to be) this summer?
– Unfortunately. I (to be) in town because I have much
work to do this summer.
Exercise №4.1
– He (to be) at the plant tomorrow?
– I am afraid he won’t. He is leaving tonight. He (to be)
on business till the end of the next week.
– What a pity! Who (to be) instead him?
– I suppose Peter. He (to be) in the office tomorrow.
– Well, I (to be) in your office tomorrow afternoon.
– Ok, we’ll be waiting for you.
Exercise №4.2
– They (to be) busy after lunch? I’d like to discuss
some things.
– Perhaps, they will. They (to be) on the object.
– By the way, when (to be) the meeting?
– The meeting (to be) at 11a. m. Managers of all departments
(to be) there.
– You (to be) there too?
– Of’ course!
– They say there (to be) some changes in work schedule.
– Yes, we are planning to complete works till the end of the
year so we will have to work overtime.
– It (to be) hard month. But from other hand salary (to be)
more. Isn’t it good news?
– It’s all the same to me, I work on rotation. I hope
I (not to be) at work on New Year Holiday as usual.
– Don’t you work on New Year Holiday?
– Yes, three years in row.
– It’s just your luck!
Exercise №4.3
– How do you do. I’m Le. I’ll be working with you.
– How do you do. Come here. It (to be) your work place. Make
yourself comfortable! Believe me, you (to be) very busy
all this week. There (to be) too much work in the office.
– I (to be) hardworking, I’ll do the best.
– If you do it, it (to be) right. I’m sure you (to be)
one of the best specialists.
– I hope you (not to be) a crazy boss…
– Don’t worry I (to be) a wise boss.
– We (to be) a good team. You can trust in me.
– I also happy that you (to be) one of us. I know you are
а reliable person.
– Nice to hear it. Thanks a lot.
– You are welcome.
Раскройте скобки используя правило спряжения глагола to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени
Exercise №5
– Hello Sofia, there (to be) any letters for me?
– Yes, there (to be) some letters from our Providers.
They (to be) here. And here (to be) our invoice for a Customer.
Could you sign it, please?
– That (to be) ok, I’ll look and sign it a little later.
The meeting (to be) at 9 a.m., isn’t it?
– Yes, it (to be) at 9 sharp.
– When the memorandum (to be) ready?
– It (to be) ready yet.
– I hope it (to be) on my table after the meeting?
– Ok, anything else?
– No thanks. Tell everybody I (to be) busy till 9 a.m. And
print out all reports for previous month. They must be
on my table as soon as possible.
– I’ll do everything.
Exercise №5.1
– Mr. Douglas (to be) in?
– No, I’m afraid, he (not to be) in office till the end
of the month. He (to be) on business.
– When exactly he (to be) back?
– I suppose, on the 10th of April, but I (not to be) sure.
May be he (to be) available a little bit earlier.
– By the way, where he (to be) now?
– He (to be) in Rom.
– Oh, I (to be) in Rom last year in September. It (to be)
– You (to be) there on business?
– No, it (to be) my holiday. I traveled with my family.
Exercise №5.2
– How do you do! We (to be) very glad to know that
you (to be) interested in our goods.
– How do you do! Yes, we‘ve got your catalogue already.
There (to be) a lot of different goods which
we (to be) interested in. We (to be) ready to place an order.
– That (to be) a good news! We (to be)
happy to cooperate with you again.
– Nice to hear that!
– Frankly speaking, you always (to be) reliable partners.
Your goods (to be) always in great demand.
– Because the quality of our goods (to be) high. We control it.
– I hope, our cooperation (to be) successful. We are
going to make a big order.
– No doubt! We are looking forward to our cooperation.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский используя правило спряжения глагола to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени
План работ – job plan /
На месторождении (здесь) – in the field
Подпись – signature / На отдыхающей вахте – off shift
Объем работ- scope of work / Инспекция– inspection
Я боюсь что… – I’m afraid…
Вы ошиблись номером – you dialed a wrong number
Предложение- an offer /
Контрактный отдел – contract department
На улице- outside / Сильный мороз —bad cold
Exercise №6
Я в отделе кадров. Менеджера здесь нет. Менеджер был здесь вчера до обеда?
Нет, его не было. Я не уверен, но может быть он в отделе ТБ. Он был там вчера вечером.
Я уверен, ты будешь хорошим руководителем. Это будет правильно.
Что это? Это план работ на следующий месяц. Объем работ очень большой.
Там на моем столе список телефонных номеров работников нашего отдела.
Когда будет инспекция? Я думаю, она будет в конце недели. Меня не будет в это время здесь. Я буду в отпуске.
Вы ошибаетесь, я не переводчик, я бухгалтер, а он инженер, а переводчик в следующей комнате.
Exercise №6.1
Алло! Говорите! Кто это? Его нет дома. Я боюсь что вы ошиблись номером.
Это не сложно. Что случилось? Это не правильно. Все прекрасно. Это было интересное предложение. Он был очень зол.
Это твоя подпись? Нет, это подпись нашего супервайзера. Где он сейчас? Он на месторождении.
Напишите нам, и мы в срочном порядке примем меры.