Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу Страница 17
- Категория: Разная литература / Прочее
- Автор: Метод Франка
- Год выпуска: -
- ISBN: нет данных
- Издательство: неизвестно
- Страниц: 45
- Добавлено: 2019-05-14 14:50:06
Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу краткое содержание
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animal ['xnImql], frighten [fraItn], fierce [fIqs]
By-and-by Pooh and Piglet came along. Pooh was telling Piglet in a singing voice that it didn't seem to matter, if he didn't get any fatter, and he didn't think he was getting any fatter, what he did; and Piglet was wondering how long it would be before his haycorn came up.
"Look, Pooh!" said Piglet suddenly. "There's something in one of the Pine Trees."
"So there is!" said Pooh, looking up wonderingly. "There's an Animal."
Piglet took Pooh's arm, in case Pooh was frightened.
"Is it One of the Fiercer Animals?" he said, looking the other way.
Pooh nodded (Пух кивнул).
"It's a Jagular," he said (это Агуяр, — сказал он).
"What do Jagulars do?" asked Piglet (/а/ что делают Агуяры? — спросил Пятачок), hoping that they wouldn't (надеясь, что они не будут /этого делать/).
"They hide in the branches of trees (они прячутся в ветвях деревьев), and drop on you as you go underneath (и сваливаются на вас, когда вы проходите внизу /под ними/)", said Pooh (сказал Пух). "Christopher Robin told me (Кристофер Робин рассказывал мне)."
"Perhaps we better hadn't go underneath, Pooh (может быть, нам лучше не проходить под ним). In case he dropped and hurt himself (на тот случай если он свалится и ушибется)."
"They don't hurt themselves," said Pooh (они не ушибаются, — сказал Пух). '"They're such very good droppers (они такие прехорошие сваленки[26]; dropper — капельница, пипетка)."
jaguar ['Gxgjuq], underneath ["Andq'nJT], hurt [hWt]
Pooh nodded.
"It's a Jagular," he said.
"What do Jagulars do?" asked Piglet, hoping that they wouldn't.
"They hide in the branches of trees, and drop on you as you go underneath", said Pooh. "Christopher Robin told me."
"Perhaps we better hadn't go underneath, Pooh. In case he dropped and hurt himself."
"They don't hurt themselves," said Pooh. '"They're such very good droppers."
Piglet still felt (Пятачок все еще чувствовал) that to be underneath a Very Good Dropper would be a Mistake (что находиться под Очень Хорошим Сваленком было бы Ошибкой), and he was just going to hurry back for something which he had forgotten (и он как раз собирался поспешить назад = быстро вернуться за чем-то, что он забыл) when the Jagular called out to them (когда Агуяр крикнул им).
"Help! Help!" it called (помогите! помогите! — закричал он).
"That's what Jagulars always do (это то, что всегда делают Агуяры)," said Pooh, much interested (сказал Пух очень заинтересованно). "They call 'Help! Help!' and then (они кричат: помогите! помогите!, а потом) when you look up, they drop on you (когда вы смотрите вверх, они сваливаются на вас)."
"I'm looking down," cried Piglet loudly (я смотрю вниз, — крикнул громко Пятачок), so as the Jagular shouldn't do the wrong thing by accident (/с тем/ чтобы Агуяр случайно не совершил неверный поступок / сделал не то; wrong — неверный, неправильный, не тот).
mistake [mIs'teIk], wrong [rON], accident ['xksIdqnt]
Piglet still felt that to be underneath a Very Good Dropper would be a Mistake, and he was just going to hurry back for something which he had forgotten when the Jagular called out to them.
"Help! Help!" it called.
"That's what Jagulars always do," said Pooh, much interested. "They call 'Help! Help!' and then when you look up, they drop on you."
"I'm looking down," cried Piglet loudly, so as the Jagular shouldn't do the wrong thing by accident.
Something very excited next to the Jagular heard him, and squeaked (нечто очень возбужденное рядом с Агуяром услышало его и запищало):
"Pooh and Piglet (Пух и Пятачок)! Pooh and Piglet (Пух и Пятачок)!"
All of a sudden Piglet felt (внезапно Пятачок почувствовал) that it was a much nicer day than he had thought it was (что это гораздо более милый денек, чем он думал). All warm and sunny (исключительно теплый и солнечный) —
"Pooh!" he cried (Пух! — воскликнул он). "I believe it's Tigger and Roo (я думаю, это Тигер и Ру)!"
"So it is," said Pooh (так и есть, — сказал Пух). "I thought it was a Jagular and another Jagular (/а/ я думал, что это Агуяр и еще один Агуяр)."
"Hallo, Roo!" called Piglet (привет, Ру! — позвал Пятачок). "What are you doing (что ты делаешь)?"
squeak [skwJk], thought [TLt], sunny ['sAnI]
Something very excited next to the Jagular heard him, and squeaked:
"Pooh and Piglet! Pooh and Piglet!"
All of a sudden Piglet felt that it was a much nicer day than he had thought it was. All warm and sunny —
"Pooh!" he cried. "I believe it's Tigger and Roo!"
"So it is," said Pooh. "I thought it was a Jagular and another Jagular."
"Hallo, Roo!" called Piglet. "What are you doing?"
"We can't get down, we can't get down!" cried Roo (мы не можем спуститься, мы не можем спуститься! — закричал Ру). "Isn't it fun (разве это не забавно)? Pooh, isn't it fun (Пух, разве это не забавно), Tigger and I are living in a tree, like Owl (Тигер и я = мы с Тигером живем на дереве, как Филин), and we're going to stay here for ever and ever (и мы останемся здесь навсегда-навсегда). I can see Piglet's house (я вижу дом Пятачка). Piglet, I can see your house from here (Пятачок, я вижу отсюда твой дом). Aren't we high (разве мы не высоко)? Is Owl's house as high up as this (дом Филина так же высоко, как этот = мы)?"
"How did you get there, Roo?" asked Piglet (как ты забрался туда Ру? — спросил Пятачок).
"On Tigger's back (у Тигера на спине = верхом на Тигере)! And Tiggers can't climb downwards (а Тигеры не умеют слезать вниз), because their tails get in the way (потому что их хвосты путаются под ногами; to get in the way — мешаться, перекрывать дорогу), only upwards (только /залезать/ вверх), and Tigger forgot about that when we started (а Тигер забыл об этом, когда мы пустились в путь), and he's only just remembered (и он вспомнил только что). So we've got to stay here for ever and ever — unless we go higher (поэтому нам придется остаться здесь навсегда-навсегда — если мы не полезем выше). What did you say, Tigger (что ты сказал, Тигер)? Oh, Tigger says if we go higher (а, Тигер говорит, если мы полезем выше) we shan't be able to see Piglet's house so well (мы не сможем видеть так хорошо дом Пятачка), so we're going to stop here (поэтому мы остановимся здесь)."
high [haI], unless [qn'les], says [sez]
"We can't get down, we can't get down!" cried Roo. "Isn't it fun? Pooh, isn't it fun, Tigger and I are living in a tree, like Owl, and we're going to stay here for ever and ever. I can see Piglet's house. Piglet, I can see your house from here. Aren't we high? Is Owl's house as high up as this?"
"How did you get there, Roo?" asked Piglet.
"On Tigger's back! And Tiggers can't climb downwards, because their tails get in the way, only upwards, and Tigger forgot about that when we started, and he's only just remembered. So we've got to stay here for ever and ever — unless we go higher. What did you say, Tigger? Oh, Tigger says if we go higher we shan't be able to see Piglet's house so well, so we're going to stop here."
"Piglet," said Pooh solemnly (Пятачок, — сказал торжественно Пух), when he had heard all this (когда он услышал все это), "what shall we do (что будем делать)?" And he began to eat Tigger's sandwiches (и он начал есть бутерброды Тигера).
"Are they stuck (они застряли)?" asked Piglet anxiously (спросил встревоженно Пятачок).
Pooh nodded (Пух кивнул).
"Couldn't you climb up to them (ты не мог бы залезть к ним)?"
"I might, Piglet (я мог бы, Пятачок), and I might bring Roo down on my back (и я мог бы спустить Ру на моей спине), but I couldn't bring Tigger down (но я не смог бы спустить Тигера). So we must think of something else (поэтому мы должны что-нибудь придумать)." And in a thoughtful way he began to eat Roo's sandwiches, too (и с задумчивым видом он начал есть = принялся и за бутерброды Ру).
solemnly ['sOlqmlI], might [maIt], couldn't [kudnt]
"Piglet," said Pooh solemnly, when he had heard all this, "what shall we do?" And he began to eat Tigger's sandwiches.
"Are they stuck?" asked Piglet anxiously.
Pooh nodded.
"Couldn't you climb up to them?"
"I might, Piglet, and I might bring Roo down on my back, but I couldn't bring Tigger down. So we must think of something else." And in a thoughtful way he began to eat Roo's sandwiches, too.
* * *
Whether he would have thought of anything (придумал бы он что-то) before he had finished the last sandwich (прежде чем /он/ прикончил последний бутерброд), I don't know (я не знаю), but he had just got to the last but one (но он как раз добрался до предпоследнего) when there was a crackling in the bracken (когда раздался треск в папоротнике-орляке), and Christopher Robin and Eeyore came strolling along together (и оттуда вместе вышли прогулочным шагом Кристофер Робин и Иа; to stroll — прогуливаться, бродить, гулять).
"I shouldn't be surprised if it hailed a good deal tomorrow," Eeyore was saying (я бы не удивился, если бы завтра выпало много града, — говорил Иа). "Blizzards and what-not (бураны и все такое прочее). Being fine to-day doesn't Mean Anything (то, что сегодня прекрасный день, Ничего не Значит). It has no sig[27] (это не имеет никакого зна-) — what's that word (что это за слово)? Well, it has none of that (ну, это не имеет ничего этого). It's just a small piece of weather (/это/ просто маленький кусочек погоды)."
whether ['weDq], stroll [strqul], none [nAn]
Whether he would have thought of anything before he had finished the last sandwich, I don't know, but he had just got to the last but one when there was a crackling in the bracken, and Christopher Robin and Eeyore came strolling along together.
"I shouldn't be surprised if it hailed a good deal tomorrow," Eeyore was saying. "Blizzards and what-not. Being fine to-day doesn't Mean Anything. It has no sig — what's that word? Well, it has none of that. It's just a small piece of weather."
"There's Pooh!" said Christopher Robin (тут Пух! — сказал Кристофер Робин), who didn't much mind what it did to-morrow (которого не очень тревожило, что будет завтра), as long as he was out in it (пока он еще был вне этого).
"Hallo, Pooh (привет, Пух)!"
"It's Christopher Robin!" said Piglet (/это/ Кристофер Робин! — сказал Пятачок), "He'll know what to do (он будет знать = он сообразит, что делать)."
They hurried up to him (они поспешили к нему).
"Oh, Christopher Robin," began Pooh (ах, Кристофер Робин, — начал Пух).
"And Eeyore," said Eeyore (и Иа, — сказал Иа).
"Tigger and Roo are right up the Six Pine Trees (Тигер и Ру прямо /над нами/ на Шести Соснах), and they can't get down, and (и они не могут спуститься, и) — "
"And I was just saying," put in Piglet (и я как раз говорил, — вставил Пятачок), "that if only Christopher Robin (что если бы только Кристофер Робин) — "
"And Eeyore (и Иа) — "
mind [maInd], said [sed], began [bI'gxn]
"There's Pooh!" said Christopher Robin, who didn't much mind what it did to-morrow, as long as he was out in it.
"Hallo, Pooh!"
"It's Christopher Robin!" said Piglet, "He'll know what to do."
They hurried up to him.
"Oh, Christopher Robin," began Pooh.
"And Eeyore," said Eeyore.
"Tigger and Roo are right up the Six Pine Trees, and they can't get down, and — "
"And I was just saying," put in Piglet, "that if only Christopher Robin — "
"And Eeyore — "
"If only you were here (если бы только вы были здесь), then we could think of something to do (то мы могли бы придумать что-нибудь /чтобы сделать/)."
Christopher Robin looked up at Tigger and Roo (Кристофер Робин посмотрел вверх на Тигера и Ру), and tried to think of something (и попытался что-нибудь придумать).
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