Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» Страница 12
![Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»](https://cdn.worldbooks.info/s20/4/2/4/3/7/3/424373.jpg)
- Категория: Разная литература / Газеты и журналы
- Автор: Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
- Страниц: 85
- Добавлено: 2024-02-06 07:11:36
Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» краткое содержание
Прочтите описание перед тем, как прочитать онлайн книгу «Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»» бесплатно полную версию:В последнем выпуске «Позитивных изменений» 2023 года мы приглашаем читателей в настоящее кругосветное путешествие по тем городам, которые этой осенью — традиционном времени сбора и упаковки «годового урожая» — стали точками проведения особенно важных и интересных событий в сфере импакт-инвестиций и оценки. Мы посетим Всемирный форум социального предпринимательства в Амстердаме, ежегодное событие Глобальной сети импакт-инвесторов в Копенгагене, заедем в Сеул на Международный форум лидеров социального предпринимательства, побываем на Импакт-неделе в Турине и даже заглянем на форум G20 в Нью-Дели. А еще поразмышляем над инструментами сторителлинга в оценке — главной темой ежегодной конференции Американской ассоциации оценки, прошедшей в Индианаполисе, разберемся с тем, как измерять счастье вместе с участниками ежегодного события Ассоциации специалистов по оценке программ и политик, прошедшего в Москве.
Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» читать онлайн бесплатно
According to Elina Illarionova, the developers of the index collaborate with regional analytical groups, often based at universities, which can provide practical recommendations to specialized agencies. Both the Subjective and Statistical Indices of Child Well-Being are publicly accessible and can benefit a wide range of stakeholders, including regional and federal authorities, NGOs, social investors, the expert and scientific community, as well as parents and children.
“We strive to ensure that the index data is integrated into regulatory frameworks to lay the groundwork for child welfare programs. On top of that, we believe that presenting the research results should involve the active participation of children, and that the data should not only inform management decisions but also justify the need for child-centric policies,” emphasizes Elina Illarionova.
How does an individual’s perception of happiness and well-being relate to themselves? Are external circumstances in which a person lives influencing this perception? Why is it essential to incorporate subjective and psychological well-being into our evaluations? Answers to these questions can be found by delving into the realm of positive psychology.
When we mention “positive psychology,” most often, it conjures associations with affirmations, a positive mindset, and optimistic thinking. In other words, “think positively, and everything will be fine.” However, this is not the complete picture. Positive psychology, as a distinct branch of psychological knowledge and practice, explores the resources within individuals, their satisfaction, values, talents, and their connection to happiness. These discussions were also part of the Wellbeing-Focused Evaluation track.
The concept of subjective well-being emerged in psychology during the 1970s when the age-old philosophical question of happiness became a focal point for empirical investigation within this field, as explained by Anna Hegai, a graduate student and teacher at the Higher School of Economics, and a psychologist-methodologist at the Victoria Charitable Children’s Foundation.
Researchers identify three approaches to measuring well-being:
1. Subjective well-being (E. Diener) — how closely a person believes their life aligns with the most desirable state.
2. Psychological well-being (C. Ryff, D. Leontiev) — the assessment of personality traits that contribute to happiness (positive relationships with others, self-acceptance, having a life purpose, etc.).
3. Quality of life — an objective evaluation of the favorability of external living conditions.
As far back as 1970, while studying well-being in Nordic countries, Finnish sociologist E. Allardt categorized all human needs into three groups: having, loving, and being.[25] For each category, both objective and subjective measures of satisfaction were examined. Only individuals themselves can determine how complete, fulfilling, and meaningful their lives are — in other words, their subjectively perceived quality of life.
Renowned researchers, including Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman and his collaborator Amos Tversky, have discovered that perceived quality of life and subjective well-being are minimally affected by external circumstances. They found that “life circumstances make only a small contribution to the variance of happiness — far smaller than the contribution of inherited temperament or personality.”[26] This phenomenon has been termed the paradox of subjective well-being.
The encouraging news is that if you possess a sufficient level of optimism and life satisfaction, this state of well-being can be quickly regained, regardless of external events. Anna Hegai explains, “After significant life shocks, such as the loss of loved ones, divorce, or severe illness, individuals typically regain their previous level of well-being within 3–5 years. Additionally, people tend to become more content and good-natured with age. This reflects a form of personal growth associated with aging. Individuals in their 40s tend to report greater life satisfaction than those in their 17s.”
According to a model proposed by UCR professor Sonja Lyubomirsky,[27] happiness can be attributed to the following factors:
• Genetic predisposition (50 %);
• Life circumstances (10 %);
• Intentional activities and behaviors (40 %).
While genetic predisposition and life circumstances cannot be easily influenced, behavioral change is within an individual’s control. People can alter their outlook on life, thought patterns, habits, and self-esteem.
Moreover, engaging in activities that demand intentional effort, such as continuous learning, plays a pivotal role in achieving lasting happiness. This implies that external circumstances, which are not related to intentional activity, have a fleeting impact on subjective well-being,[28] whereas purposeful activities involving effortful challenges and volitional choices form the foundation for sustained well-being.
Psychological science also provides diagnostic tools for measuring personal resources, perceived support, life orientation, and subjective well-being. Anna Hegai lists several well-being indicators that can be assessed before and after the implementation of social and psychological projects and programs:
1) Resilience (the ability to recover and grow after facing stress).
2) Endurance (engagement, risk-taking, control).
3) Sense of connection (understanding, manageability, meaningfulness in life).
4) Optimism.
5) Self-esteem.
6) Self-efficacy (belief in one’s ability to cope).
7) Tolerance of uncertainty.
8) Self-control.
As Hegai notes, incorporating relevant questionnaires (e.g., resilience assessments, basic needs satisfaction scales, anxiety and depression screenings, and future perception questionnaires) into the evaluation of social projects and programs yields valuable insights into their impact.
As demonstrated by ASPPE conference 2023, approaches to assessing well-being and happiness are diverse and highly intriguing. Experts emphasize the importance of using subjective and objective methods in tandem, as they harmoniously complement each other. Evaluating the effectiveness of each of these approaches requires the development of its unique set of tools. Furthermore, conference participants consistently highlighted how various analytical instruments employed in both approaches facilitate data-driven decision-making.
Turning our attention to other sessions at the ASPPE conference, the sessions within the Evaluation of Sociocultural Projects track garnered significant interest, with more than 150 attendees, according to the organizers. The presentations within this track revolved around the experiences of both large foundations that support cultural projects, necessitating the evaluation of their program outcomes, and small NGOs engaged in project assessment.
In the upcoming issues of Positive Changes Journal, we will dive deeply into some of the themes explored during the conference presentations. You can access recordings of all conference sessions on the ASPPE VKontakte page[29] and the Association’s YouTube channel.
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