Юрий Низовцев - Everything and nothingness Страница 16
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- Категория: Религия и духовность / Религия
- Автор: Юрий Низовцев
- Год выпуска: неизвестен
- ISBN: нет данных
- Издательство: -
- Страниц: 23
- Добавлено: 2019-07-19 13:13:48
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This share under various pretexts is taken the most active, successful, or advanced members of communities, which, moreover, cooperate with each other. And they, as practice of the past has shown, never were shared at own "good will" with the others though, as well as now, they were trying in some way to justify the robbery of all the others, humiliating actually them, for example the fact that if not I another will capture [24, сhapter II]/
Currently particularly effective deception of the majority is the democracy of technocratic capitalism representing consumer society at which the population as if participates in the administration of the state and as it seems, affects the management, though in practice the management of the state and control of the entire community is exercised by a small group of the most quick-witted, fast, unscrupulous, corrupt and brazen individuals generally in own interests and in interests of corporations close to them, and elections authorities are pure fiction, inasmuch the member of society can't effectively influence on the administration of the state, and at best, it comes down to the palliatives.
The similar system automatically aspires not so much to a deprivation of the vast majority of the population of the planet material benefits, filling up, nevertheless, the world with goods which the majority isn't capable to acquire, but it seeks to deprive of every person of his true essence as self-active, creative, free subject, subordinating him to thought, feelings, actions to destructive Moloch of consumption.
Undecidability of a problem of the organization of a fair social system has shown the experiment of all revolutions. It clearly points to the inescapable imperfection of human nature, which at any system and the state seeks to do harm to your neighbor for the sake of purchasing your own "piece" of happiness, with rarest exceptions, in spite of known precepts of Christ.
However unsuccessfulness of all attempts of reorganization of society on a fair basis, that is such that all were satisfied by themselves and others around without withdrawal, means that existence of the imperfect person and the imperfect communities instead of blissful "paradise" is necessary, inasmuch the never-ending struggle between people for their "place in the sun" is the true engine of change in the human consciousness, without which, i.e. at "full" and the final victory of justice, representing essentially a certain order, in which averaging of everybody is impossible because of undoubted differences of one from the other, the society, actually deprived of liberty, would be fettered by stagnation, marasmus and the subsequent disintegration [24, chapter II]/
It is possible to state the following: each person has self-consciousness and therefore, in principle, can do, that wants, more precisely, that, on what he is capable within the framework of existing relations, and not just to adapt to the surrounding as it does all other living beings.
It means that for the person as the horizon two truths are shone: aspiration to execution of what he wouldn't like for himself, and also aspiration to creation on any basis – from works in the field before creation of the most difficult devices; – only in this case it won't stop in development and won't fall into an animal state. Intuitively these truths are clear to each person, but he can only strive to them.
Nevertheless, these aspirations give to the person liberty, without humiliating him, i.e. – give the chance of development even within the antagonistic world, being realized in incessant fight of the person during life with own animal nature – selfish, lazy and prone to numerous temptations of the material life.
This struggle will inevitably lead to the victory of the spirit over the flesh, consciousness over the corruptible world, but – only in order that consciousness on a new basis again plunged into similar struggle.
Weakness of human consciousness, distortion by him of the true understanding of things, events can be illustrated by the fact that the overwhelming part of the population of the planet would like the protection of a being, which is immortal, reasonable, perfect, fair. Such being must be by human representations outside the world, it must be ideal, unchanging, omnipotent, without competitors, it must know all, create all, and every person can to ask for the help to this being.
However to cover everything and all the similar being can't be single, and it has to be both unitary, and multiple; and it is such in the form of consciousness and it is manifested on different levels, penetrating everywhere and, along with that, uniting all.
Mind, more precisely, consciousness isn't incorporeal, inasmuch then it won't be able to influence on things; and from where it will take things? It means that consciousness has to be active in the specific corporeal environment, determined by it on the basis of Uniform that is possible only in a holographic projection of Uniform.
In other words, the activity of consciousness assumes possibility of its infinite development in boundless beingness in that case, if consciousness is single itself, if it is united with beingness at the deep level and along with that is discretely manifested in own set with set of the updated copies of things in time which consciousness forms indirectly, inasmuch more do it to no one. Not only time is appeared in this process, but also – space and things which are inseparably linked with each other.
Thereby consciousness as if cuts out to itself from infinity various finite lacunas-worlds, replacing each other for development and life, acquiring affair for itself as well as enlivening Uniform by its manifestation in time in own projection.
The true perfectness of the principal reason, or consciousness, more precisely, its commitment to excellence, consists not in its absoluteness and an omniscience that means uselessness of development, stagnation and, thereby, absurdity, and in free finding by consciousness of paths of life and methods of development as it is able still in each particle on the basis of ability to conscious self-development, the independent solution of all arising problems thanks to existing knowledge and experience, which are always insufficient.
Striving of consciousness for perfection is expressed in the fact that forming an irreversible current time it is able to create active, coherent and relatively long not disintegrating worlds and measurements.
That is each individual consciousness "extracts" from Uniform through a single consciousness and own carrier only what already arisen in its own understanding and internal communications, receiving the changing, but not chaotic world in which is possible to live, and along with that in this world each individual consciousness is capable to go forward – from being to essences of this being, i.e. it goes, learning the world and altering it by these actions together with itself.
Only life itself in this world for each individual consciousness proceeds at the level of what this consciousness itself in the finite – the person, – more exact, through him will manage to learn, solve and commit gradually, from zero, with "blank sheet".
Social justice in the world is a certain order, established by people themselves, but imperfect nature of people is capable only to the organization of such social order which only provides a survival of society and its certain development, but not satisfaction of each individual in any way.
Nevertheless, communities of not similar people with various and often contradictory interests, different abilities provide gradual development of each individual consciousness in many lives in overcoming of vital burdens, temptations for an exit of each consciousness to other level of relation to the order, life, and in this only own consciousness can give it the help and support. And if you need authoritative opinion for persuasiveness, then Christ spoke about God whom most of people still considers by a certain external force, the opposite: "The Kingdom of God in you" [The gospel from Luka. Ch. 17, pp. 20, 21].
Thus, eternal Uniform is not in nothingness only thanks to its holographic projection, in which consciousness on the basis of Uniform forms time, and this dual system, in fact, represents Creation.
The active (consciousness) and the passive, which is manifested by consciousness from Uniform in the form of copies of things, support each other, and the worlds and measurements, manifested by consciousness by means of a holographic projection and Uniform, are necessary to consciousness not for some external, incorporeal, perfect, i.e. senseless existence, but – for infinite development in plurality and along with that – for usual, finite lives in which consciousness can express itself.
Chapter 2
About the condition of existence of Creation
2.1. Essence of Creation
Undoubtedly, it is possible to accept for truth at the level of our three-dimensional world, existence of consciousness in it, inasmuch every person possesses by consciousness and understands the fact of this possession.
It is possible to accept for truth here and existence of the live, inasmuch the person is also the living being, and the person can't deny this fact due to functioning and changes of own organism.
It is possible as it seems, to accept for truth and existence of things, inasmuch the person is also a thing which after his death doesn't differ from all other lifeless.
However actually each thing in the world is only the full informational copy of the corresponding object from Uniform, identified and read out by consciousness by means of sense organs of own live carrier. Therefore things are secondary in relation to all live, in which consciousness is manifested, both on the lowest, and at its highest level.
In other words, consciousness forms the surrounding on the basis of infinitely diverse Uniform, containing everything in a conjoint state, forming eventually by means of sense organs of each particle of consciousness in the living being in their set moving beingness through motionless, but a updating holographic projection of Uniform, identifying thereby fragments which are necessary for it from Uniform by own means according to the understanding which is available for it, or forms so, how it can in the form of copies discretely, i.e. updating a holographic projection every "moment", or each position.
Essence of all system of Creation consists in informational interaction of eternal Uniform and its holographic projection which is in time. This interaction is carried out by single consciousness (the active) that, actually, gives the chance to exist to everything, including and us. A holographic projection – not independent formation, it is exactly a projection of Uniform, inasmuch integrally on material balance a holographic projection is equal to zero.
Therefore it is impossible to recognize for truth motion in a holographic projection as its essence. Consciousness "acts" in this projection, forming time by update of each previous copy of a thing through a pause in irreversible sequence, and each updated copy has no motion – it is simply replaced. Consciousness isn't a propulsor. Consciousness itself in time is a holographic projection in the form of multiple copies.
However motion is necessary for consciousness so how without it there can't be a development for consciousness – and single consciousness creates opportunity for own development, using own particles, individual consciousness which "accepts" through sense organs of own carrier and at means of single consciousness the informational packages from Uniform. The delay on processing of each package in individual consciousness means perception by individual consciousness of discrete sequence of packages of information as continuous process in the form of the current time in which contents of packages are reflected into the moving and changing objects.
Single consciousness discover itself in this forming reality in own particles which have individual consciousness, inasmuch each particle of single consciousness in the real life is unilaterally disconnected from single consciousness for maintaining independent existence (life) by it so, how will turn out at it, without assistance and memoirs about former.
Reality for each individual consciousness is formed thanks to loss of a pause between updating positions of a holography projection – informational copies as if cling to each other, merging in each individual consciousness through a chain from sense organs up to centers of processing and control of the living being into the moving, changing real world.
Here the subjective is coincided with the objective and, as a result, "field" for life and development of each particle of consciousness and, so, for single consciousness, is formed.
It also means that the space surrounding us with moving things, sunrises and sunsets is not that full illusion, so how for each consciousness all this is objective reality, inasmuch the formed beingness has in the basis the updated material (frequency) informational copies of a holographic projection, but nevertheless – this reality is just the derivative of holographic projection of Uniform in which acts the active (consciousness).
This aught which we call beingness, acquires, unlike the "blinking" holographic projection, stability, motion of things in space, regularities, i.e. everything that is necessary for life, or the opportunity for development of the living beings and every individual consciousness which is situated in it. But the basis of this formed beingness – a holographic projection – remains motionless at each own moment of updating, but time "emerges" in projection due to change of positions of updating with formation of "gaps" between them.
Time in a holographic projection in the form of separate durations of positions of updating creates opportunity for formation of the current smooth time with the movement, space and things owing to "coupling" of positions of update in each individual consciousness, "gap" between which (updating positions) consciousness in the form of the living being doesn't perceive, imagining to itself thereby merging holographic frequency copies in the form of these or those things and phenomena known to us.
I.e. that we consider as reality, the world, moving subjects, arises for any living being owing to "coupling" of positions of updating in each individual consciousness, representing its "present". At this the surrounding elusively for consciousness of the living beings appears anew each subsequent moment slightly modified, thereby "producing" motion in aggregate of moments.
Beingness for each type of living beings is formed according to their sense organs and the centers transforming the arriving information into images, taste, music etc.
In other words, if the being has no auditory organs, beingness will be for it as silent not because the sound is absent outside his sensation, as such, and owing to impossibility of "extraction" of sound by a being eventually from Uniform. This phenomenon means that sound signals are optional to this living being at a level of development of consciousness which is available for it, or they interfere with its existence: all useless, distracting or harmful to existence is excluded thereby from "diet" of the corresponding type of the living beings by restriction in a set of sense organs.
And no vibrating devices will replace organs of hearing for the deaf although neighboring living beings of another species can perfectly hear. I.e. the whole world of sounds drops out for the deaf, if only in process of development a type of deaf beings on the need for hundreds of thousands years or millions of years itself won't develop auditory organs. But only the living being, or a being with consciousness, but not any lifeless thing can acquire these bodies.
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